Prophetic Word for 2014

Below follows what I believe the Lord has shared with me for 2014..

A new season:

For a number of people, 2013 has been a very difficult year and although many believed it would be a year of great breakthrough, it turned out to be a year of delays, frustration and at times confusion.

But as I asked the Lord about this, I saw an image of the water in the ocean being pulled back with force and after a little while, a huge tidal wave covered the land and I felt the Lord say that there is always great tension and resistance that precedes a great move of God.

I believe 2014 is the start of a great move of God. I believe the Lord is saying that 2014 is going to be a year of great risk taking and I believe He is challenging His people to take a stand and move forward with great boldness.

It is the year of open doors. Doors that have been shut for years will now begin to open. Opportunities that have been out of reach will now become available and resources will be made available.

I also feel the Lord saying that there is a fresh outpouring of His Spirit for the supernatural. Those who have been hungering after these things will easily be able to access it.


The visions:

While praying about 2014, the Lord showed me 2 visions.

In the first one, I was standing on the beach looking at the sunset. I felt Someone calling me to walk towards the sun, so I stepped onto the water and it became hard, as though I was walking on ice. But it was slippery and as I tried to walk across, I kept slipping and falling.

I felt the Lord say, many of you have felt that your faith is weak and that it is your lack of faith that has held you back from breakthrough and entering into all that God has for you, but I felt the Lord say, no, that is not the case. The enemy has been working hard to get you to believe that you don’t have enough faith, that you are not strong enough, that you’ve heard wrong or are not in My will, but I say to you today dear child, you are where I want you to be. You have faith and you know me, but the enemy has come against you. Your faith has been tested but now take heart that I come to lead you into breakthrough. I come to make all things new.

In the second vision, I was walking through a field full of beautiful yellow flowers. The flowers had long stems – it almost felt as though I was walking through a wheat field. I was in a white dress. I put out my hands and the pollen from the flowers rubbed off on me. I looked down and I was covered in pollen – I immediately had this thought “I’m becoming like a bee”.  As I meditated on this, I felt the Lord impress a number of things upon my spirit:

  1. The harvest is very ripe. Perhaps more so than ever before. South Africa is ready for a great awakening and a great revival.
  2. Prophetically bees represent a person’s commitment and preparedness to achieve the goals and objectives of the team. The days of ministers being lone rangers are certainly over, God loves family and He loves to see His people working together as a team. I believe the Lord is stirring the hearts of His people to work together as a team. I believe 2014 will be a year of making new contacts and many teams forming to accomplish great tasks. Watch as God strategically brings people across your path who will be of great benefit to both current and future projects.
  3. As bees are prepared to sacrifice their lives for their nest and their queen, so to as believers we need to be prepared to do the same for the sake of the Gospel and our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
  4. The white dress is symbolic of purity and holiness. The colour yellow prophetically refers to the presence of God and the glory of God. I believe in 2014, God is calling us to pursue purity, holiness and intimacy with Him and that those who respond to this call will not be disappointed and will experience the presence and glory of God in an incredible and extraordinary way. As we pursue Him, His glory and presence will change us and surround us, equipping us for all that we need to do.


Isaiah 52:

The Lord has been speaking to me from Isaiah 52 for the last couple of months and I feel Him saying that as we enter into 2014 it is time for us to come out of agreement with the past and with everything that has held us back and to partner with Him in our thinking and in our actions. It is time to rise up and break the chains from around our neck (v 2) and wait expectantly for redemption (v 3).

“How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!”” (v 7). I feel the Lord say that there is great favour and grace upon those who share the Gospel in this next season. Where many have sown seeds and seen no results, I feel the Lord saying that you too will begin to see the fruits of your labour. For those who have desired to be used by God but are fearful or nervous about evangelism, there is favour upon you in this season. As you step out in faith, the Lord will guide you and fill you with boldness.

As we separate ourselves from the things of this world and pursue holiness and intimacy, the presence of the Lord will certainly be with us (v 11-12).


As we enter 2014…

As we enter into 2014, I pray that God would bless you abundantly above and beyond all you could ever ask or imagine. May His grace, mercy and favour be your portion.  If the last few years have been rough, take heart – breakthrough is coming! This too will pass. “Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph.” (2 Corinthians 2:14, NIV). May 2014 be your year of triumph and redemption. 

2 thoughts on “Prophetic Word for 2014

  1. Hi Lu, I was very excited to read the prophecy …. thank u for sharing… be blessed my sister as you do what our Lord shares with you.. Glory to our Almighty Father!! This year has not been easy for me snd I know God is going to change things for my good …. AND TO HIS GLORY!!! XX


  2. My darling Lou, thank you for stepping out in boldness trusting God withe your heart. Thank you for not withholding this amazing encouragement from us. Like you say, 2013 has been one of great challenge for many so to receive such life giving words brings a renewed hope. I am believing with you for all the things you are trusting and hoping for in 2014. I love you and value you beyond measure. Xxxxxxxx


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